

공정변수의 변동을 고려한 손실함수를 통한 다중반응표면 최적화 (Multiresponse Optimization through a Loss Function Considering Process Parameter Fluctuation)

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자
조회 1,520회 작성일 20-10-27 12:46


Journal 대한산업공학회지, 31(2), 164-172.
Name 권준범, 이종석, 이상호, 전치혁, 김광재
Year 2005

A loss function approach to a multiresponse problem is considered, when process parameters are regarded as random variables. The variation of each response may be amplified through so called propagation of error (POE), which is defined as the standard deviation of the transmitted variability in the response as a function of process parameters. The forms of POE for each response and for a pair of responses are proposed and they are reflected in our loss function approach to determine the optimal condition. The proposed method is illustrated using a polymer case. The result is compared with the case where parameter fluctuation is not considered.